30 December 2010

so small

Some days I feel like a tiny insignificant being.  I can't really describe it, but if you've feeled this way, you know what I mean.
To be one car on the freeway.
To be one Washingtonian.
To be one American.
To be one Christian.
To be one blonde.
To be one human.
To feel as if no one will care if you go off the deep end.
Somedays, my belief in God scares me because thousands of other people believe the same thing.
Millions of other people are sending up prayers that are much more important than mine.
I'm one fish in a sea, and sometimes, that makes me feel as tiny as a grain of rice.

1 comment:

  1. its humbling to feel small. and sometimes its important to feel that way, at least for me anyway.

    sometimes I thank God when I feel small. Its amazing to know that He made me, He knows me, and He thinks the world of me and I'm nothing bigger than an freckle on his face... or something. ;)
