01 January 2011

another year gone.

A few months ago, as I was rummaging through my messy room, I found a 'New Year's Goals' sheet from 2007.  Normally, I love to find things that depict the person I used to be, but this one just made me sad.  I ripped it up and threw it in the big garbage upstairs in my kitchen so I didn't have to think about all the silly things I never accomplished that once meant the world, or atleast a year to me.  I usually love New Year's Resolutions even if I never stick to them, but the one from 2007, that now sits in a big land fill somewhere, made me feel worthless.  In a way, it also made me feel great.  It made me happy that at one point, I changed.  The old went away and the new came.  Slowly, I've torn off the armor of lust and anger and hatred to replace it with the armor of love and peace and forgiveness.  Believe me, I'm no where near down, but it I do enjoy seeing how far I've come.  All the things I've let go.  All the godly, incredible friends I've made that I can trust with all my heart.  All the treasures I've stored up in heaven.  All the people I've affected.  All knowing I'm not doing it on my own.  The biggest change from 2007 and now isn't the fact that I don't have a long list of negativity on my New Years resolution list.  It's the fact that I know I'm loved every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to bed.  I know I'm loved by Someone who loved me when all I wanted was to have a boyfriend and be stick-thin.  That's the biggest difference.  That's the reason the negativity in my life has been trimmed to tiny proportions.  Because I'm loved like no other and nothing anyone says or does can take that love away.

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