12 November 2010

This right here.

As of lately, I've been really repulsed by the teenage boys at my school.  I've heard the classic "boys are only interested in one thing" line, and most of the boys at my school prove that.  Most of the guys in this world seem to prove that.  Back to some of the guys at my school.  I know I should not judge them based on their actions, because I think a lot of them are good guys and I believe some of them will change and get married and be faithful, amazing husbands.  For now, they're stupid, testosterone filled teenage boys and I would like to punch them. 
This past week has been a difficult one for a lot of reasons.
One of them is seeing guys that cheat and lie, yet the girl just can't break away.
This leads to some of my distaste for guys.
Or the relationship that's lasted for years, then in one night, the guy decides his girlfriend isn't fulfilling his needs and that a one night stand would suffice.
He never tells his girlfriend.
This story does get better though; stick with me! 
Every Friday, their is a program for home-schoolers held at my church that is parallel to my school.
I first met some of these said home-schoolers when I started attending the church.
I thought they were the nicest people I ever met.  I loved them lots.
This year, I decided to start stopping by on Fridays.
It was perfect, because just when I was started to categorize all men as disgusting beasts, I saw 4 guys who weren't.  4 guys who are saving everything for marriage.  4 guys who I believe will be faithful 'til they die.  4 guys who are chivalrous and hold my bags, walk me to my car, give me rides home when my car was non-existent, and refuse to let me pay for my meal when we go anywhere.  I love these guys.
They're grand.
Unluckily, they're all in super serious relationships with awesome, godly girls.
& they're going to do great things through their marriage & the purity they showed beforehand. 
& believe me, my husband will be just as great:)
I'm just happy to have such wonderful friends who do more for me and other people than I can write in a blog.  If I tried, it'd go on forever.
Thanks guys.  I love you all.

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