30 November 2010

I probably shouldn't blog when I'm depressed.

Sometimes I forget how blessed I am and the fact that the stress I bring on myself isn't always necessary.  Today got better.  I made a cup of tea and listened to a Jaymay pandora station and didn't do my homework.  I'll regret that later, but for now, I'm happy.  I'm doing Casey.  I'm reading my bible instead of my history book.  I'm thinking about Jesus rather than Aristotle, Andrew Jackson, and the derivatives of tangent functions.  I'm good.  I'm getting through.  I'll be visiting Northwest Friday with my incredible mother and I will enjoy myself.  My cats will be home tomorrow, which means I'll be less lonely.  I have a party tomorrow night with the youth kiddos.  I'm doing what I want.  I like it.

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