07 May 2012

Up to Now.

Up to now, I've know that my life, in some ways, would repeat itself.
Up to now, I knew that every monday-friday, I would wake up at 6 and prepare to go to school, unless there were certain circumstances like summer or holidays.
Up to now, I knew I'd attend every home football game, and stand in the second row and cheer my heart out.
Up to now, I knew where I'd be going to school and who I would live with.
Up to now, the big decisions in my life have been made for me.

Now, these decisions are mine for the making.

Everything is about to change, and I'm one of those people who can truthfully say I like change.
I get bored if things continue the way they are for too long, but everything is about to change.
Where I live.
Who I live with.
What I do on a daily basis.

Anxiety is attacking again.

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