25 April 2012


I'm so much better then I've been and that's because of the incredible love I've received from the people around me.

Here's a few shout-outs:

Micah- I don't know what I'll do without you when I leave. You... I don't know how to explain what you mean to me, but it's a lot. Thanks for always listening and never trying to solve my problems. You're one of my best friends.

Madeleine: You inspire me so much. You have such a bubbliness about you that really makes any day better, and our adventures, whether they be planking in Pike Place or rowing out to the middle of your lake, always put me in a good mood. I love you.

Brenna: Man.. You got me hooked on the word man. I really love you, and I'm happy our friendship has grown, because I don't know what I'd have done without you the past few days. I know prom night is going to be 100 times better just because you'll be there. Thanks for being the incredible, eccentric you.

Erika: Your inspiring texts always lift me up and come at the perfect moments. You're going to do so wonderfully in your ministry, because you just have something about you that not everyone has, and that's the ability to show your love for all people, and step out of your comfort zone to make people feel loved and safe. I love you.

Daphne: Thanks for all your hugs this past week. They really make my day so much better, and I understand why you always get such similar roles. You're just so good at caring about people and wanting to be there for them and protect them.

Fergie, Fineman, McKenzie: Thanks. For everything.

Mommy & Grandma-Thanks for always making sure I know I'm loved and am beautiful. Thanks for convincing me there's nothing wrong with me, and it's the boys that are stupid.

Also, thanks to Colby. For his support. and being one of my best friends.

Oh, and Sam Schubach! I just love that girl.

Okay, the list is getting extensive.

To summarize, I'm loved and I get that.
So, thanks for showing me.

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