18 December 2011


Thus far, I've been accepted into 5 colleges:
1) Shorter University- Rome, Georgia, with a hefty scholarship
2) Toccoa Falls College-Toccoa Falls, Georgia, with a $5,500 scholarship/year
3) Pacific University-Forest Grove, Oregon, with the President's Scholarship(1/2 tuition)
4) University of Portland-Portland, Oregon
5) Auburn University-Auburn, Alabama
 and wait listed for one.
6) Tulane University-New Orleans, Louisiana

Last night, I went to a party with my mom. It was at a country club and was filled with doctors and physicians and waiters that wore all black and served  fancy salmon and pink steak and hors'devours. I felt like it was straight out of East Egg, and Jay Gatsby would appear at any moment. People talked about the mean doctors, drank way too much wine, grinded on other peoples husbands because they drank too much wine, and occasionally would fall over suddenly on the dance floor, then giggling giddily, get back up. I danced a few songs with my mom, one of which a drunk lady heeled me in my toe. The circular indent is still there. I think it's rare that you find a teenage daughter who likes her mom as much as I like mine, but that's not the point of this blog. The doctor my mom works for is from India, and is an incredibly nice man. While returning to the buffet line for more rolls, he asked about my plans for medical school, because last he heard, I wanted to be a doctor without a border. I told him about Auburn, and left it at that.
Later, he came up to my mom to congratulate her, and my mom went into great detail on the number of colleges I'd been accepted to. The wine made her a little loopy as well.
Later that night, while bonding with a guy named Carlos and his wife, I told him about how my love and my passion, was theatre. With a wide eyed expression, he told me he knew I was an  actor, because he could tell I was empathetic. I could feel other peoples pain, and apparently, only the best actors can. Acting is NOT about blending yourself with another character; it's about giving up yourself to be that character; to feel their pain, their happiness, their sorrow, their joy. Robert Downey Jr. Taught him that. Not long after that, my mom and I packed up to go. I hugged him and thanked him for his advice. The thing he said afterward, I will hold dear to my heart forever.
"Follow your dreams, because there are so many adults who wish they would have done what would make them happy. You have the potential and the opportunity. You are at the perfect time in your life to make the right decision; the one that will make you happy."
With that, we parted ways.

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