13 December 2011

How Quickly It's Ruined.

We had given out gift after gift after gift.
I'd been hugged more times then I could count, and each time I entered the camera's view, I winced a little more.
But, it all felt worth it, because these people were happy. We were giving them candy, and sodas, and other cheap things, but THEY WERE HAPPY!
Then, she angrily walked up, snatched the food from my hand screaming that she wanted the big package, not the little. Then, she stomped off.
I sat there with my mouth agape. (Yeah, that's caught on camera for the rest of my life.)
And everybody else looked uncomfortable too.
She then stomped all the way to her class and immediately complained about her gift.
I guess one person can ruin it.
But tomorrow is a new day.
A new chance to make peoples wishes come true and to befriend that guy that I've wanted to be friends with since the 7th grade.
A new chance to be a better person.
A new chance to let go of the fact that you are not perfect. And neither am I. Or anyone else for that matter.
A new chance to just be.
All That & More.

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