06 November 2011


"Mom, I don't think I fit in at school. I think people think I'm weird."
"Well, you only have a few more months, then you can start somewhere new."
"Yeah, but it's kind of sad. I'm involved in all these different things, but people don't really like me. Or get me."
"Well, I don't mean to rag on my friend,_______, but in high school, every guy wanted to date her, she was the most popular girl in school and now look at her, she's struggling."
*This girl, whose name will remain private has three kids with three different men, no job, and lives with her parents at the age of 39.
"Were you popular?"
"No, not at all. But I know a lot of people who would kill for my life now that I went to high school with. Or, at least my income."
People won't always think I'm strange.
Or dislike me for being slightly successful.
One day in the future, I'll be okay with being a weird-o, because I'll know I was born to be different.
For now, I'll blow bubbles in class and people will stare at me and I'll feel awkward.

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