17 November 2011


Remember that one party where we watched Yes, Man in my front yard?
Well, I'm the girl form of Jim Carey and lack the ability to say no.
I realized it today, and I documented the next 3 times I said yes, when I really wanted to say no.
Can I copy your paper?
Can you work on this after school(even thouhg I'm aware of your busy life)?
Can you drop everything you're doing, miss all your classes, and do what I want you to do?
I don't like being stretched thin and I hate being used.
So, when my favorite teacher in the whole world asked me what I want to do when I grow up, the first thing that came to my mind was theatre.
I love theatre.
I think it loves me too.
For reasons you'd never understand.
This favorite red-headed teacher of mine smiled and asked if she could give me a piece of advice.
I assured her that her guidance was much appreciated.
She told me to go for a teaching degree in theatre, because I can use that in a lot of places, unlike a performance degree.
It's not set in stone, and I'm still not sure where I'll be in a few years, but I know this.
When I fill out my college applications and put all my extracurriculars, the only box I check yes for wanting to be involved with in college is theatre. That's speaks.
Someone hold me to it.

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