27 November 2011

The Giving of Thanks.

My Thanksgiving weekend was crazy and absolutely wonderful.
Thursday, I woke up to cinnamon rolls and watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 2!
Then, I attempted to cook, and watched my mom cook, because I can't really cook at all.
Finally, I sat down with my two wonderful brothers, beautiful mother, and hilarious uncle to eat.
It was different than any Thanksgiving I remember, but it was nice. No one yelled at me. No one told me what to do. No one. After we gorged ourselves on food, we packed our bags and drove up to Seattle.
A lovely night was spent with my loverly family followed by watching the Macy's Parade the next day, then seeing everyone from the WHS Band in the food court at Westfield.
I love those kids. After our adventures in Seattle ended, I came home, unpacked, and repacked to head for the ocean. Typical Ocean shenanigans ensued, including beach frolicking, hot-tubbing, and mass amounts of home-made food. I love the ocean, I do and I always have, but without my mom there, it felt different and hollow. I came home from the ocean yesterday afternoon, then headed to my grandma's house with my two brothers for more feasting(I probably gained ten pounds this weekend.) Overall, this weekend was great, but my mom wasn't allowed to come to two of those places for various reasons, and to say this rather bluntly, I think that's B.S. Divorce, Religion, whatever. I just think it's stupid and I know if we were in Georgia, she would have been invited to my aunt's for Thanksgiving, and my grandparents. And guess what?!?! She's not even related to them! But they call her family. I realize every one's family is messed up, but my mom is the most beautiful person I know, and she deserves to be somewhere she is loved and accepted, and her past mistakes are forgiven. I'm thankful for my family here, but I'm ready to be somewhere new. Or I guess you could say, ready to go back home.
I've applied to Auburn University.
Next up, Florida State U Application.
Homeward Bound.

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