05 October 2010

Shane Mackinnon

Thanks for the egg rolls today.  Oh, & thanks for the song.  It was superrr sweet.  At least when I die, I'll know you thought the world of me at one time.  You're awesome, seriously.  I'm excited to see our friendship grow without me hating your guts for moving on.
By the way, if your relationship doesn't last til Spring, I'll gladly be your prom date seeing as Tolo failed on my part and homecoming on yours.


  1. Hate my guts for moving on? Really? I'm sorry. haha. Hey, your guy is out there. One day you'll look out to the sky and BOOM! There he is. Well, maybe not that easy. But love isn't always something that just comes to you. Sometimes you have to work to find it if you really want it. Anyways, Thank you for posting about me!!!

  2. yeah, i don't really hate your guts. I was slightly upset about the fact that you moved on so quickly. But, you're not the one for me. You are a really great friend though & i'm happy to have you.:)
    I do disagree about your definiton of love though. I don't think you have to look for love. Waiting, for the win!
