08 September 2010


“What is uttered from the heart alone, Will win the hearts of others to your own.”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Sincerity; I'm working toward it.
I want to mean what I say and say what I mean.  For as long as I've been conscious of the words that are coming out of my mouth, I've strived to please everyone.  There are few instances I can remember where I bluntly offended someone.  That means I've trained my mouth to tell people what they want to hear.  The problem I have is telling people lies.  About what I'm feeling, how I'm doing, how they look, etc.  Everyday at work, someone asks me how I'm doing.  I think I've always said something positive, but that's not true.  My grandpa died August 26 and I went to work the next day.  I was asked multiple times, "How are you?", with the other person having no idea what was going on in my life.  My reply every single time that day was "I'm good, you?"  That was a lie.  I wasn't good.  I was struggling with everything but, I put on a good face because who wants to hear my issues?  Maybe people sensed it was fake, maybe not.  I could have said I was terrible and nothing could change that but time.  That would have been sincere.  Like I said, I'm working towards it.

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