10 September 2010

Came to my Rescue

Tonight had to be among the best night's of my life.  Naturally, any night you're surrounded by 5 other girls who let you cry on their shoulder with your snot going everywhere, or talk for hours about how much your husband is going to rock is a good night.  Tonight, I came back to Jesus.  I guess I never stray too far away, but this past week, I was definitely being pushed.  I could have fought harder than a quarterback in the Superbowl.  I could have pushed right back and screamed and cried until I was in the comfort of the ultimate Comforter again.  But, because I chose to give up, I spent the last week fighting depression because I thought God was NOT being fair.  My grandpa took his last breath two weeks ago with my lovely grandma, the love of his life, less than 5 feet away.  I knew I couldn't fight God with that one.  In the words of Roger Cohen, "Life without death would be miserable. Its beauty is bound to its fragility. Dawn is unimaginable without the dusk."  Everyone has to die, and I know I'll see my grandpa again someday as the perfect picture of healthiness.  Death is difficult, but we were making it through.  Then, this past Wednesday, my grandma called and said she had been in a car accident.  She claimed to be okay even though her car had been totaled.  The battle began.  Why was this happening to her?  WHY?  WHY?  WHY?  Isn't losing your husband and taking on the title of widow enough for one women to deal with for a few months?  I was extremely upset with God and I planned to fall away out of spite, which is extremely stupid.  Luckily, my God is awesome and He seeked me out.  I didn't deserve it in the slightest but He did it anyway.  I was led to Mark 12 in my bible where it talks about The Widow's Offering.  God has taken numerous things from my grandma's life in the past two weeks, but she still chooses to serve & love Him.  If she can do that, then I can.  I have to believe God has great things in store for her because "the testing of your faith develops perseverance."  James 1:3 
To continue my story about tonight; I was sitting around a fire with the 5 amazing girls, praising God through worship when we decided to play Came to my Rescue.  I broke down without tears. 
"I called, You answered
& You came to my rescue
& I wanna be where You are."
As much as I didn't want to, I was calling, and God, always Faithful, answered rather quickly.  Perhaps, He saw how much I needed Him.  Either way, He came to my rescue right in time.
My goodness, He's awesome. 

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