13 September 2010


I've never met someone I love more than Jacob Vargas.  He is ultimately the most amazing friend I will ever know.  So when I said today, "What is your passion, Jacob?" and he laughed, I knew he was going to give me the answer I was looking for.  I assume he knew why I was asking because he's my best friend and best friends know the reason for these types of questions.  His answer was music, which fits him perfectly.  Naturally, his question was "what is yours?"  This is where the dilemma begins.  He probably knew what was coming before he asked.  I launched in to my 10-minute story about how I know this girl who is just so talented & I hate it.  She appears to have multiple passions whereas, I feel as if I have none.  I finally got to a pause in my story where Jacob stated, "I feel like I'm talking to my younger self."  Apparently, Jacob used to have the same issue.  Then, he prayed about it & God answered.  I realized today that I was holding this major part of my life back from God.  I was pursuing the passions I wanted to pursue, not seeking after God to see the passions He gave me.  I find performing arts so interesting, but maybe that's not what God wants for my life.  Jacob encouraged me to pray about it and wait.  So, here I sit.  Listening to Death Cab for Cutie while eating bland pasta at my kitchen table.  I have to align my will with God's to see my passions in life more clearly.  Hopefully, a year from now, I'll know just what I'd love to spend my life doing; what makes my heart happy and puts a real smile on my face.  Until then, I'll be praying about it.  Thanks Jacob, but most of all, thank You God.

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