28 July 2012

What I'm learning about love.

How much time do you have?

Love is... complicated.

I can honestly say I've never been in love, and I know no one's ever truy been in love with me.

But that goes back to the whole being "in love" thing, which is kind of stupid.

My family loves me, and that's obvious, with everything they do.

My friends love me, and sometimes tell me things I don't want to hear, and that's how I know how much they love me.

I guesss love is complicated, because it can make you really happy for a few days, months, or years, then it ends, and if life sucked before you were in love with someone, it really sucks now.

Something good can make it, but rarely does.

That's what bothers me about love.

It's why I never want to get married, but that will probably change someday.

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