13 January 2012

Mona Lisa, Smile.

I don't think about marriage much anymore.
I still do on occasion, but I guess it's just been crowded out as of late due to the important decisions I have to make soon.
I'm still stoked about the idea that one day, I'll be loved and love some incredible man.
I guess it's just not as important now.
I've been taking in a lot of things around me that are portrayed with a feminist lens.
& well.
You might be disappointed.
I know I'll get married one day, but what if it's not til I'm 30? Or 40? 0r 50?
I know what I'm meant to do.
I'm meant to love people.
I sincerely believe the world revolves around love, but love comes in all different shapes and forms.
I know I can love people based on the love I've been given.
Even if it's not the kind of love I first dreamt of after watching Titanic.

So, here's to the single life, and enjoying it.
Not anticipating some man coming along to sweep me off my feet and marry me within a year's time.
He'll come when he comes.
There's no rush.

I have a lot of lives to change in the meantime.

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