06 August 2011


I have a great big brother. He gives me piggy back rides. He teaches me life lessons. He comforts me when I'm scared to forgive my father and trust him yet again. He rides all the scary roller coasters with me. He's been through more in his 20 years then some people go through in a lifetime. He has a metal spine and always get stopped at airport security. He's loving. He cries when he's sad. He's incredibly smart and wants to be a nuclear engineer. He held me while I mourned my grandpa's death. He drank his fancy beverage with his pinky up. He taught me how to body surf. He lets me talk about my future husband. He's the number one person to accept my selfishness. I don't know why. It's not any new change in either of ourselves, but letting him go to a college again will be so hard. I really have an awesome brother and I just wanted you to know.  I love him a lot.

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