22 August 2011


Lately, I've been feeling a little forlorn. I blamed it on home-sickness for a week and said I'd be happy if only I were in Georgia. In all honesty, yes, Georgia would make me happy for a time. Then, I thought I'd be happy if my summer homework was done, but that wasn't it either. So, while staring at gallons upon gallons of empty water, I realized what was causing the indescribable feeling of hopelessness: My lack of service and love towards others. I looked around at my co-workers and was especially jealous of one in particular(not for his good looks that make almost every girl swoon), simply for his future. He'll be headed to Brazil in a few months for two years; loving on people, serving people, and doing God's work. I desperately want to feel like I'm doing God's work. I know I'm where I am for a reason, but this position in this place seems pointless. Am I not taking my chances? Am I not stepping out in my faith? Am I forgetting that people matter because I'm so wrapped up in my own world? Show me the need and the call and I'll move. I will, I will, I will. Give me purpose and I'll fulfill it. My future looks bright, but I can't keep living for it when people need love and everything I have to give NOW.
Break me down 'til I'm ever only Yours truly.

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