19 April 2011

You should know.

I'll lay out the scene:
I'm sitting here on my bedroom floor listening to a fantastic Pandora station with books piled up on every side taunting me with their threats.  I made myself a cup of tea and added lots of sugar.  I have so much homework waiting me, but I can do this.  Tomorrow is quarter and I'm 3/4ths of the way done with my junior year.  That's exciting.  So whether or not I want to stay up til super late working on calculus, I will.  Because I have hope and a future.  And maybe it's not in Africa or the medical field, but one day, I'll be thanking Mr. Stanczyk for his constant nagging on my procrastination and Ms. Presswood for the crazy, long difficult assignments she assigns.  It's not today.  Today, I loathe them, but it won't be forever. 

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