25 April 2011

17 things..

..I wish I could have told myself when I turned 17:
1. Junior year is as bad as everyone says.
2. You'll make it through with the help of some friends.
3. Some friendships are worth fighting for, and some... well just are not.
4. The unimportant memories hurt the most to remember.
5. You have a wicked cool little brother.  Hang out with him ocassionaly.
6. Taking APUSH will be a good decision.  That cute teacher doesn't hurt either;)
7. Wear dresses.  Be bold.
8. You cannot live without theatre.  Give up the running.
9. It never was meant to be all you are.
10. AP Calculus sucks.  Give up now. 
11. You'll find those quirks that make you you, and the people that love them.
12. You'll fall in love with a man you have yet to meet.
13. Tell your mother you love her often.  She is seriously one of the most amazing ladies ever.  No bias.
14. You'll never be that tall, blonde, long-leggged, artistic, talented girl you adore.  But you'll be you. 
15. Be there for everyone you possibly can.  Give them rides, let them cry, hold their hand, text them in the wee hours of the night with inspirational sayings, be a friend.  And don't ever stop.
16. Do what you love to be who you love and with whom you love.
17. You are Casey Marissa Daniels.  You have an incredible family, wonderful friends, and an incredible heart.  You'll lead your school, you'll make new friends, and you'll find that dream career.  Now go out there, give it all you have to give and make your dreams a reality.
Bonus: You rock. 

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