25 April 2011

17 things..

..I wish I could have told myself when I turned 17:
1. Junior year is as bad as everyone says.
2. You'll make it through with the help of some friends.
3. Some friendships are worth fighting for, and some... well just are not.
4. The unimportant memories hurt the most to remember.
5. You have a wicked cool little brother.  Hang out with him ocassionaly.
6. Taking APUSH will be a good decision.  That cute teacher doesn't hurt either;)
7. Wear dresses.  Be bold.
8. You cannot live without theatre.  Give up the running.
9. It never was meant to be all you are.
10. AP Calculus sucks.  Give up now. 
11. You'll find those quirks that make you you, and the people that love them.
12. You'll fall in love with a man you have yet to meet.
13. Tell your mother you love her often.  She is seriously one of the most amazing ladies ever.  No bias.
14. You'll never be that tall, blonde, long-leggged, artistic, talented girl you adore.  But you'll be you. 
15. Be there for everyone you possibly can.  Give them rides, let them cry, hold their hand, text them in the wee hours of the night with inspirational sayings, be a friend.  And don't ever stop.
16. Do what you love to be who you love and with whom you love.
17. You are Casey Marissa Daniels.  You have an incredible family, wonderful friends, and an incredible heart.  You'll lead your school, you'll make new friends, and you'll find that dream career.  Now go out there, give it all you have to give and make your dreams a reality.
Bonus: You rock. 

21 April 2011

It's a little bit crazy.

I'm using my blog as bragging rights.
I'm the ASB President of Washington High School next year. 

20 April 2011

I was told to shut up.

And be patient.
And it makes sense.
Good things take time.
Good people take time to learn their flaws. 
Good people take time to change.
But, everyone deserves a second chance.
You have opportunities.
And theirs always, always tomorrow.
Believe it or not, I learned this all in one day and in one conversation. 
Thanks man.

19 April 2011

You should know.

I'll lay out the scene:
I'm sitting here on my bedroom floor listening to a fantastic Pandora station with books piled up on every side taunting me with their threats.  I made myself a cup of tea and added lots of sugar.  I have so much homework waiting me, but I can do this.  Tomorrow is quarter and I'm 3/4ths of the way done with my junior year.  That's exciting.  So whether or not I want to stay up til super late working on calculus, I will.  Because I have hope and a future.  And maybe it's not in Africa or the medical field, but one day, I'll be thanking Mr. Stanczyk for his constant nagging on my procrastination and Ms. Presswood for the crazy, long difficult assignments she assigns.  It's not today.  Today, I loathe them, but it won't be forever. 

18 April 2011

When words fail, music speaks.

If you want a few suggestions, here's what I've been listening to lately:
Hazy  Rosi Golan
Details in the Fabric Jason Mraz
Piano Song Meiko
Dream Ann Priscilla
King of Anything Sarah Bareilles
Winter Song Sarah Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson
Cats & Dogs The Head and the Heart
To whom it may Concern The Civil Wars
You got growing up to do Joshua Radin
Far Away Ingrid Michaelson

16 April 2011

All I want.

Lucy and I came from Tallahassee
With our bones on our backs
Our backs on our knees
She was small, I was straight
We left our love in a bed ridden gate for shame

Why can't you see the sky isn't green anymore
Why don't you know what I need on these shores
All I want is love eternally
With your heart facing me

Science says stones don't fly through water
And souls don't matter if you love your mother
If karma could dance, she'd tango forever
And I'd sell my sleeves for some cloud ridden weather

Why can't you see heaven won't wait for us
Salutations and prayers are too laborius
All I want is love eternally
With your heart facing me

Have I mentioned I'm stoked to be in love someday?  Because I am.

11 April 2011

A compilation of my thoughts, right this moment.

a. Too many cookies
b. I really want some tea
c. My legs are going to hurt tomorrow.
d. Maybe UW isn't too bad?
e. Why aren't I doing my homework?
f. I hate Alyssa Pluffer.  Known as AP for short.
g. I also hate the man who wrote the calculus book.  Nerd.
h. Teachers are obnoxious.
i. I'm going to get up and make some tea.
j. Never mind. 
k. I should really stat my homework.
l. Maybe I'll be a traveling missionary pediatrician photojournalist!  YEAH!
m. I'm running out of thoughts, I think.
n. What if i skipped the letter n.  Would it be angry?
o. Oh, a facebook notification!
p. Jack my swag.
q. I feel bad for Rebecca Black. 
r. I can't say believer without thinking of Justin Bieber.
s. The National Anthem is a difficult song.
u. Can i go back to Ireland?
v. Start
w. Now.
x. Mwah
y. ha
z. ha

06 April 2011

05 April 2011

It's just wierd.

I've never known anyone to commit suicide. 
Truth be told, I didn't really know Cory, but in hindsight, would I have made any difference?
He was in the room when I gave my speech on how people matter.  Was he listening?
Did he know that the problems would end, but the pain he caused some people would never, ever go away?
I don't understand suicide and I don't think I ever will.
But, now it's hit home and my only choice is to hold my head high and hope my peers are doing the same. 
R.I.P. Cory Gibson.  WHS will never, ever forget you. 

03 April 2011

It's not cool to skip school.

You might hate me for it, but I'd like to skip college and skip courting and wake up in Africa as a 28 year old with a degree in Pediatrics, and a beautiful, loving, husband next to me.
Since that's not possible, I guess I'll take sitting at my laptop in Starbucks drinking an earl grey tea and thinking about the things God has in store. 

01 April 2011

The things you do.

"If it's a broken part, replace it. If it's a broken arm, then brace it. If it's a broken heart, then face it.
Hold your own. Know your name. Go your own way."
I don't want any of it. 
What I really want is you. 
I want you to care.
I want you to know my speech was incredible.
I want you to know I want to be a doctor.
I want you to know I'm going to be successful.
I want you to know I love you.
I want you to know you weren't her mistake.
Because 21 years later, there's me. 
"All the details in the fabric. All the things that make you panic."