30 September 2012

People Help the People.

Sometimes, I wish I could take all my friends, and we could just go somewhere, maybe to a new planet, and create a new society where money doesn't exist, and people genuinely care about each other.
Obama can come too.
And all the good people. But they have to give up all their possessions. Except their clothes. They can keep those.
Is that what heaven is supposed to be like? Because that would be cool.
The way I kind of view Jesus is he loves everyone and if you love him back, he loves you extra. Enough to get you into heaven. That's probably not how most people would phrase it, but when you get down to the heart of the matter, it fits.
But I don't understand the praise thing. I try to be humble, and I think Jesus was all about that too.
Scratch that, I don't understand anything.
I just want people to care about other people, even when it doesn't benefit them.
Even if I'm the only one, I plan to do that.

25 September 2012

Another Reason for Adoration.

I realized today that you don't try to solve my problems, and you definitely never belittle them.
You just listen, and are as "there" for me as anyone can be while also being 3000 miles away.
Thanks for that.


The picture I saw tonight caught me off guard, and all I keep thinking is it's not fair.
This man I know and have grown to love, who believes in the existence of God to such an extent that he was willing to leave his job as a nurse to become a pastor; how the hell does he get cancer?
Why him?
I don't think God is just..
but mostly I wonder how he feels about it.

People Help the People

Is it crazy to think that I'm needed?
Because I think about you, and I worry about you, and if I were there, I would promise to be your friend. Even when you did things I didn't understand. I would always choose your side, because even though I always try to be neutral, you passed being just my friend long ago. I think that time I fell asleep on your couch the night before we did Annie; that was when you felt more like my brother than ever before.

I just hope you're doing okay. And know you can always call me.
January isn't too far away. When it comes, we"ll do all those things we love, like eat garden burgers, and listen to indie music and wear beanies.

20 September 2012

Calling Happiness.

Thoughts I'm Thinking:
1) I'm not even looking forward to next Saturday. For as long as I can remember, it's been a day to celebrate, and I'm sure it will still be special, but it doesn't change the fact that none of my friends will be with me, and most of them probably won't call.

2) Can we just skip my birthday and go right to October 16th? I need to know that I have something to look forward to. Because right now, I look forward to going to work, because I atleast get to talk to people. Sometimes. So far, they've had me work in the back.

3) I wish I didn't have weaknesses for people to take advantage of. 

4) I need theatre. I miss everyone, and I especially miss Fineman. Will I ever walk across a stage again? I don't really know.

5) I guess my thoughts were wrong, You're not happy because you're rich. You're not happy at all. And I'm sorry I've been so ungrateful lately.

6) I hate being dependent on people. 

7) I hate waiting.

8) I have to feed Daisy

9) If you're reading this, chances are I'm missing you.

07 September 2012

I can be anything that I dream.

A few days ago, I told my mom that I had planned to go to New Orleans after the hurricane if it caused as much damage as Katrina, and she said "oh, okay."

We've had a lot of heart to hearts over the past few weeks, and it's nice to know that she approves of my plans, because she understands where my heart is.

I know that the decisions I've made and the decisisions I plan on making are probably not what people had in mind for me, and it wasn't always what I had in mind for myself, I just have never felt any more sure of anything in my life.

Sinking like a Stone.

Sometimes, I predict that things are going to go wrong before they even do.
It's not that I'm psychic, it's just that I'm thinking, "how can my life be this good?"
Oh yeah, it can't.

06 September 2012

I wish you were here, so you could pick me daisies and make me giggle.
And quite possibly watch Spongebob with me.

This is rough, 
and I miss you.

The Passion Issue.

I don't think it was a mistake to put all my eggs in one basket, or to go out on a limb in the hopes of following my heart.
Hawaii is still where I want to be.
Serving people, and especially kids is still what I want to be doing.
So even though it didn't work out, I'm still hoping that it will.
Maybe it was just a timing thing?
I guess I'll know in October.