27 July 2011

Noebody knows me at all.

Day one: Define Yourself.

My full name is Casey Marissa Daniels. My dad is the only one that calls me Casey Marissa and actually has this sweet song that goes, "Casey Marissa, come here 'cause I wanna kiss ya." You are NOT allowed to sing it. I love when people call me Case and that started with Mr. Zagar in the 6th grade. I'm 17, and almost 18! I will officially be allowed to date, under my own ruling, when I'm 18. I cannot stand people who live to tear other people down. I'm a history buff. I'm anti-war and anti-violence. I don't cuss. I can't decided where I want to go to college or what I want to major in. I struggle with rich people. I grew up poor and I don't ever want to have more money then I know what to do with. I'm a devoted Christian because of the example Christ set, but often, I still doubt the faith that makes me who I am. I like debating. I don't want to grow up. My grandpa died last summer and that was the most difficult thing I've ever been through. I like traveling, but I also like coming home. I love my mom more than anyone else. Maddi, Sarah, and Jacob are my best friends. I try to make people happy. I worry about the environment. I cannot stand when my nails grow out too long. I like toms. I don't like fake people,but they need love too. Dolphins are my favorite mammals. Flamingos are cute too. I'm so excited to fall in love with some incredible man someday. I sincerely love my life.

24 July 2011

Pastor believes in kid

I don't think God calls you to a certain field or career. I think he calls you to love a certain group of people.

I'm beginning to belive it.

22 July 2011


You'll never be in the same situation with the same people, the same emotions, and the same mindset. So love the people you have, the place you are, and the life you live, because there's no way to go back.

18 July 2011

Yellow Cheese.

Until his relationship status changes or I become aware that he's in love with some incredible girl, I'll still hold out a little bit of hope for what could have been.
Love is patient.

17 July 2011

Baring Our Hearts

Remember that time we sat in the rocks with the bugs crawling all over us and the river rushing by and the sun shining down and we all bared out hearts? We shared our deepest secrets, our biggest regrets, and we cried for the loved ones we lost, and the loved ones we saw hurting. Then every morning after that, I woke up to a hug from 15 best friends, the words "I love you" whispered into my ear, and acceptance, despite my flaws. It was amazing and incredible and tomorrow, I'll wake up alone. With no hug and no I love you. I miss you already, but I won't forget the things you guys taught me or our love for each other. Forever and always Council T.

11 July 2011

I like us.

Because we're us.
We watch movies.
We eat pizza.
We cry. Well, me.
We vent.
We visit each other on snow days.
We were awesome.
Where are you guys now?

and what ever happened to dinosaur comics?
I can't stand the idea of losing any of you to this growing up disease they speak of, so please.
Let's stay friends.

10 July 2011


I've never liked August because it's an ending.
I've always like September because it's a beginning.
In less than 3 months, I'll be 18.
I'll have a new zip code, and a new room, and new pots and pans.
It's kind of funny how this time next year, I'll be going through the same process, just sans the pots and pans.
I don't think you take pots and pans to college.
Not too long ago, I went running through the woods with a good friend, and he told me I didn't deserve what I had to endure.
He was right.
On the plus side, I don't have to endure it much longer.

Happiness is what you make it.

05 July 2011

On anxiety.

It hits me out of no where, and before I know it, tears are falling.
I hate it.
Tonight, after a long, drawn-out argument with my mom, the tears brimmed over and an end seemed out of sight.
I just couldn't get them to stop.
I couldn't hold up my wall, or my frustration, or my silent treatment, so I let my walls crash down.
I put my head on my kitchen table and cried.
My mommy started to rub my leg, as I rambled on about how everything I know is changing and I have no idea where I want to be in one year or five.
What the heck am I supposed to do with my life?
Where is the perfect college?
What if I do nothing?
Will anyone ever love me like I want to be loved?
Hoping to stop the rambling and tears, my mom told me the story of how she became a nurse.
She originally wanted to be an accountant. Then she saw a commercial one day and changed her mind. I was just a baby.
Then, something weird happened.
My step-dad told me it would all be okay.
I could and probably will change my mind  many times and this world has so much to offer me that it'll be okay.
His reassurance helped, and i could see the light at the end of the tunnel and the feeling of hopelessness passing.
It's nice being loved and having people that believe in you.

Accomplished, Beautiful, Achieving.

04 July 2011

If you haven't noticed.

There are so many you's I mention in my blog, and maybe that's where Baring My Heart comes from.
It's a compilation of all the things I wish I could say. Or scream. Or cry. Just to let you know how I'm feeling about you, right this moment.
So thank you for inspiring feelings and emotions, because it lets me know I'm alive and I have a right to speak write my mind, even if three people read it.

Things I want to talk about.

How is it that someone can grow up surrounded by different people then hold so much resentment and hatred toward a specific group of people?
I hate it.
I stand by love.
Whatever you are, I love you.
I think it's rather embarrassing.
To be so in love with yourself that you think no one else compares to your elite state of mind based on the color of your skin.
I know we're all different, and I do believe our differences make us beautiful.
But without love, we're nothing.
So stop the trash talk, and stop blaming them for your problems.
Because everyone needs to live and love.
I think they're doing it better than you are.

01 July 2011

Surely, you feel it too.

I think about my future a lot.
Especially as of lately.
Sometimes, people say nothing changes,
but those people are liars.
Everything changes this next year and the ones to follow.
Friends leave.
I turn 18 and leave the nest.
Everyone gets older.
I know I can't stop any of these things from happening.
I just really wish I had someone to share it with;
a hand to hold and whatnot.

Because, quite frankly, change terrifies me,
and I'd be overjoyed to call someone mine for good.