11 March 2011

It must get lonely there sometimes.

What makes a favorite?
I don't know, but I do have favorites.  One of them is this one episode of Scrubs.  A woman dies and her organs are given to three patients in need.  Everything seems swell, until they all die because the woman had rabies.  I'm not sure why it's my favorite.  Maybe cause it makes me cry.  Either way, it was what I needed today.  I watched, then right on cue with the beginning of How to Save a Life by the Fray, the tears came.  One line in particular stood out to me.
Right before the man who got the kidney dies, he says his feet are a little numb, but he still appears to be in perfect condition otherwise.  When my mom and I were driving back from Cheney, because my grandpa had little time left, she told me that was how you knew if someone was dying. When your body begins to shut down, it starts with the feet.  That night, my mom felt my grandpa's feet and said they were fine.  I remember hoping that it could just be over.  Just go on.  We'll be strong.  But I"m not strong.  I'd give anything to go back.  I relive this moment in my mind where he held my hand and told me he loved me and that I make him proud.  I replay it over & over & over.  But I don't want to remember his frail body.  I don't want to remember any if it.     

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