21 February 2011

Summit 2011

I'm fully recovered from my sleep deprivation, but my mind is still frantically searching to pull all the different lessons and ah-ha moments of the weekend together.  So beware that this post won't make much sense, if any at all.  One major downfall to the weekend was the juggling act of different guys; from my flirty remark to that one guy after drama to smiling at another and to getting into conversations with yet another that should have and could have waited 'til a much later date, I've learned that I'm oh-so not ready for anything.  I'm not ready to like someone and make it known.  I'm not ready to plan my future, nor should I be doing so.  I'm not ready to even consider liking a guy, because plain and simple, I'm just not ready.  It was an ah-ha moment and a good one.  My time is better spent chilling with God than thinking about some you.  His conversations are worth far more than mine and yours.  And that's not directed at one person, it's directed at the lot of 'em.  I went into my guy fast selfishly; to prepare my heart for marriage, yadda, yadda, yadda, and whatnot.  A number of things have made me realize that attitude just won't do.  The point of the guy fast, which is to be renamed, was to fall in love with the One who breathed life into me and showed me what it was to love.  He's the only one I need.  Yeah, I don't know if He has a beard, and He cannot physically be here holding my hand, but He's wonderful just the same.  He's holding my heart, if it's any consolation.  I guess I learned a lot this weekend and this is just one of the things that rocked my world.  It was one incredible weekend.

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