10 December 2012

Make the Most.

For a while, I didn't understand why things were happening the way they were, because my life was defined by how happy I felt. 

And without you, I didn't feel happy at all.

But being here, my eyes have been opened to a lot of things, and I've really been inspired by the people I've met. 

My two best friends here are lesbians. And they have more love for each other than most of the straight couples I know. And to get married, they will have to drive 13 hours to Maryland. Then, when they come back to Georgia, the state will refuse to acknowledge that they are legally married. The South still has so many prejudices that they are judged everywhere they go, but that doesn't stop them. I wish I could have an ounce of the courage they have; to be so open about who they love, when so much of the bible belt society considers their actions "sinful," and feels the need to express their judgement. I was raised by a gay man, so I've never even thought twice about the fact that some people in the world think that the love two women or men have for each other could be based on something other than love. And I don't think I've ever openly said it, but I think people are born gay and lesbian, I don't think they choose to be that way. And some of my religious issues stem from this, but I'm keeping those to myself this time.

I was also really blessed with a second job, that I should really thank my aunt for, because it is the greatest job there ever could be. I get to spend my mornings hanging out with a 20 month old girl named Isabelle, and a 6 year old boy named Ben. Not only are they the sweetest kids ever, but their mom is also one of a kind. We quickly bonded over our love of FUN, and since then, we've bonded over everything in between. I've vented to her for literally hours, about everything from how stupidly difficult and expensive the adoption process can be, to how dumb it is that the South can't accept standards the rest of the US has grown to accept. She knows my frustrations, my dreams, my beliefs, my fears, and I also know hers. I guess in a way, without actually doing it, I was hoping and praying for someone to come along who would listen and understand, and also inspire me. And she's done all those things. 

So even though I miss my friends, and I miss you, so much that it hurts, I'm trying to say that it hasn't been all bad. 

It's actually turned into an incredible 4 months. 

But i'm ready to come home now.

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