30 April 2013


It's not that I don't love Washington.
I'm just saying, I'm a little sick of living off of 3 dollars, out of a suitcase, and on people's sympathy.



25 April 2013

Last night on Earth

Last night, I happened to look at the clock right before I went to bed, which I rarely ever do.
It read 8:31. At the exact same time, my great-grandpa drew his last breath.
Just the day prior to that, my grandma and I had gone to visit him on a whim, wrapping our minds around the fact that it might the last time we ever did.
It was heart-breaking.
Most of the time, he slept and moaned.
As I was preparing to leave, I held his hand, and he gripped mine.
I told him I loved him, and he whispered, almost soundlessly, that he loved me.
Then, he did his famous wink.
And I squeezed his hand one more time and left.

R.I.P. Grandpa.
 Thank you for teaching me how to fish and always putting my worm on the hook, because I was too squeemish to. 
Thank you for teaching me how to spell Mississippi.
Most of all, thank you for your love.

24 April 2013

Vashon Living.

I was all stoked for this.

Then, I remembered..
 I hate being alone.

11 April 2013

Secrets, Secrets.

I'm leaving half of my things in Hawaii, because in less than 5 months, I'll be moving back.
This time, for a lot longer.

It might be the best decision I have ever made.
So if you really want to, you can run and tell that.